
Allyn Media served 7-Eleven in preparing for and navigating media and communications around complex legal issues including the U.S. Attorney General’s investigation into wrongdoing by independent franchisees that included Federal raids, arrests and ongoing litigation. Our team prepared messages, developed and drafted guiding principles and policy guidebooks, briefed and regularly updated the company’s executive team, led media strategy and messaging, hired and managed local media consultants, and coordinated with attorneys on the East and West coast throughout the project. In addition, we managed messaging and media response for labor and employment violations, franchisee lawsuits against the company, deaths on the property, gasoline leaks, credit card data theft, and various crimes on property.

We crafted complicated, business-critical communications for 7-Eleven, including messages for employees, over 3,000 franchisees and media across the country as well as internationally. Our work for 7-Eleven included conducting focus group and survey research, managing media and large-scale events, building and maintaining websites and related social media, search engine optimization and creating beautiful, image-defining videos that tout the success of the company and it’s independent franchisees.

  • Conducted research to understand what problems franchisees had with the company and dug into why they felt that way with interviews, focus group research and phone polls.
  • Developed messaging that directly addressed the needs of the franchisees, and streamlined and innovated new communications tools based on their feedback.
  • Managed media relations for 7-Eleven as lawsuits were filed, helping address controversial topics like profit sharing, employee rights, gas split, security and other issues that come along with a 24/7 business. We crafted positive messages and provided proactive press outreach to change the way franchisees, and the communities they serve, feel about 7-Eleven, Inc.
7 Eleven brochure coffee - Allyn Media
Coffee Queen - 7 Eleven - Allyn Media

7 Eleven brochure - Allyn Media
7 Eleven - Six Point Plan Update - Allyn Media
7 Eleven banner - Allyn Media
7 Eleven banner - Allyn Media

7 Eleven - Allyn Media